22 April 2020

Week 12: Post 1: Online petition sites and other online marketing tools

Yesterday, in response to continuing threats from the Trump Administration that they will force states like California to "re-open" and allow regular economic activity to resume, California Liberation Movement PAC (CALM-PAC) launched its first online petition to rally SUPPORT for the ten Governors who have formed multi-state "pacts" to help guarantee that each state will only relieve "social distancing" regulations in response to health considerations, rather than greed and nihilism. 

   The petition is brief; here it is in English:
To the Governors of the states of: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Washington:
We, the citizens signed below, urge you to take any action necessary to prevent the “re-opening” and resumption of economic activity in your states until and at whatever pace objective health experts agree this can be done without undue risk to human life. We furthermore pledge to support any action that you take to protect people from death and illness due to COVID-19 virus, including directly confronting federal officials acting at the direction of the President of the United States. Life is too valuable to permit compromise of our survival.

This petition is unusual, not only because it concerns COVID-19, but because it is a call for SUPPORT of elected officials. Nearly all Change.org and Causes.com online petitions criticize and even call for the defeat of elected officials.

Moreover, support for COVID-related restrictions of social and commercial activity cannot be expressed in normal means like public demonstrations because of the need to prevent the virus from spreading. Only the twisted COVID-terrorists who oppose restrictions are able to organize public demonstrations -- even blocking ambulances from entering hospitals. Therefore, online protest is the only feasible way for the public to express public support for vital public safety measures.

Some advantages of marketing with an online poll on Change.org include:

  • Starting an online petition costs nothing.
  • Starting an online petition includes free social media buttons to share the petition on Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms.
  • Easy paid promotion of online petitions: $20 for 250 impressions, $50 for 1,250 impressions. Promotion can be funded by the petition organizer and petition signers.
  • Free system to email all petition signers, for free.
  • Petition organizer can download all the signatures for use in other programs, like MailChimp.
  • The target of an online petition -- in this case, the governors of 10 states -- learn quickly about your organization. We plan to use this petition to curry favor from the powerful men and women that work in these offices. When I lived in Hawai'i, being an active Democrat, I had special relationships with many people in state and Honolulu city-county government.

After launching the petition and sharing it with my email friends and various Facebook groups, I gave $50 to Change.org and in a few hours, I had 139 petition signers. I estimate that about 100 of those names are new people. This morning, the petition has an even 150 signers.

Today, I will begin sending out a daily email to the petition signers, updating them on the COVID Crisis, and asking them to donate to promote the petition some more. I am also going to seek some earned media attention by emailing the staffs of the governors the petition supports, along with Steve Lopez, the Los Angeles Times, who just endorsed California independence in his column today.

Therefore, this week I am going to use what I learned last week about Mailchimp. Moreover, in order to have content to share by email every day, I will have to write at least three blog posts on https://cal-lib.com every day. These posts do not have to be more than 100-200 words long, but a daily email is not excessive given the importance of COVID and the speed at which the situation is changing.

Of course, business that sell goods and services -- customary businesses -- should not use online petitions for marketing, and thereby betray the trust of the petition signers. However, there are times when an ordinary shop can legitimately rally the public to support or oppose some proposal or another. For example, it took Target years of battling with local merchants before it was able to open just two stores on O'ahu, especially the one in relatively undeveloped Kailua.


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